Thanks for dropping by and the interest in my newsletter, I really appreciate it. In return, I'll try to keep it short, so bear with me just for a little while ⏳
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What it is about
In Plain Light is a monthly-ish e-zine about, well, pretty much everything.
The newsletter is posted online, however, it is not made public before the next issue is out. What you get in your mailbox is a link to the current issue and a roundup of what happened on the site since the last one. To read the issue, simply follow the link.
Every issue has a focus, a topic, which is discussed on different levels and from different points of view. Beside my thoughts, prepare to meet some interesting content and ideas from the web, links to further reading, amusing facts, fun, and (sometimes) nonsense. I promise not to be a bore!
The themes are not necessarily related to photography. In the beginning, they reflect what I am interested in, but you are welcome to comment on my choices and suggest your own. The goal is actually to talk about what matters to you, so your input and feedback are indispensable.
An issue always requires research, needs to be written, and takes quite some of my time to get done. It might as well be worthwhile.
What's in it for you
So, why should you subscribe?
You will be the first to read the newest issue: for all others, it will become available only when the next one comes out.
You will be able to provide your feedback, suggest new topics, and matter more in general.
You will receive exclusive, email-only offers along with new issue links.
You can unsubscribe at any time, on this very page.
Subscribe to the newsletter
Convinced? Subscribe now and get immediate access to the current issue, yet unavailable to other site visitors. (Its topic is love, and it features a fine selection of best European love songs in one great playlist.)
We recall some Photoshop basics, like layers, and proceed with more advanced topics, like masks, selective channel editing, converting colour to black and white, and output sharpening.
For those who enjoy—or suffer—planning ahead. Learn how a small Swiss company manages to forecast weather in every place in the world just by studying their own forecasts from the past, why this works, and how you can benefit from their results.
"Winter landscape" may not sound as exciting as, say, "summer beach", not to everybody, for sure. But if it does to you, there is much to discover outdoors in this time of the year, too. Dress warmly and come on outside!
Being connected can have its downsides, too. The more time we spend online, the more tracks we leave there. These are being collected and evaluated to tell things about us which we wouldn't want to disclose. Be aware.